პოლიტიკური ნეოლოგიზმების მორფოლოგიური ანალიზი ქართულ ციფრულ მედია დისკურსში
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ნეოლოგიზმები, პოლიტიკური ნეოლოგიზმები, მორფოლოგიური პროცესები, ციფრული მედია დისკურსიანოტაცია
Continuous transformations of the socio-political space are formed by digital technologies. The 21st century is the era of digital media, where the thoughts and beliefs of people are shaped by the influence of the internet and media. Media discourse is a multidisciplinary field, that depicts the state of society, reflects both positive and negative sides of its development.
The relevance of this article is determined by the popularity of the media space and politics and their impact on the process of language formation. We all know, that language is a living mechanism and constantly follows the pace of society development. The vocabulary of any language is responsive to all changes in various spheres of human life. Consequently, this leads to the emergence and formations of new words and language structures. The Internet, which is considered to be the leading type of mass media, plays a vital part in the spread of neologisms. Moreover, the media space itself contributes to the spread of neologisms. Therefore, the study of interaction between political language and mass media can provide valuable information for linguistics.
“Political language” differs from ordinary language. Generally, politicians create new words and expressions simultaneously or on purpose. Correspondingly, their goal is to affect people, play with words, disguise the truth, cover up scandals and shape public opinion. Behind such neologisms, sometimes something different is meant and carries the opposite meaning.
We can say, that political language is a powerful tool for forming favourable views of the surrounding society. In addition, these lexical units improve the consciousness of a language user to the depicted event, and media plays a significant role in this.
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