ედგარ ალან პოს “სიჩუმე“ და მისი ქართული ვერსიის ლინგვისტურ-სტილისტიკური ანალიზი
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ედგარ ალან პო, სიჩუმე, ერეკლე ტატიშვილი, ანალიზიანოტაცია
This article is about the linguistic-stylistic nuances of Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Silence" and its Georgian translation by Erekle Tatishvili. Through a detailed comparative analysis, the research explores the unique stylistic strategies employed in the translation process. The study focuses on how the Georgian translation captures Poe's distinct use of language, imagery, and thematic elements, examining the translator's choices in terms of lexical selection, syntactic arrangement, and phonological and stylistic devices. The analysis uncovers how these elements are adapted to fit the Georgian linguistic context while striving to retain the original poem's stylistic and emotional impact. The findings provide valuable insights into the translator's approach to maintaining the delicate balance between closely following Poe's text and the expressive needs of the Georgian language. In the article, the authors gave detailed examples of what form the translator preserved the artistic techniques that Edgar Allan Poe perfectly conveyed in the original text.
ქართული საბჭოთა ენციკლოპედია (1985)
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Encyclopedia Britannica. (2024). Edgar Allan Poe - https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edgar-Allan-Poe
Merriam-Webster Dictionary - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/primeval
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